Receive heartfelt greetings from Consolata School. Consolata School is a Catholic Missionary School belonging to Consolata Missionaries and, as such, it is a mission ground centred on the Holistic Formation of the Human Person. We as missionaries dedicated to the Consolation of the peoples, after the style of Jesus Christ, are concerned about the well-being of the person in all dimensions; that is: moral and ethical integrity, spiritual nourishment, development of talents and natural endowments, social integration, and other aspects that require attention for the well being of the person and their surroundings.
We are happy for the Consolata School Fraternity that constitutes this institution currently, these consist of the Consolata Missionaries working in the School, all the staff of the Institution, the learners at all levels, the parents of our learners, the service providers attached to the school and all men and women of goodwill who contribute to our well-being in one way or another.
Being a Missionary School, we never stop going out to invite more people to come and join us and, for that matter, we make an open invitation to the public at large to come and be part of the Consolata School Fraternity especially by entrusting to us the holistic formation of your children.
May the God of all Consolation who is the origin of this educative mission of Consolata School continue sustaining our institution and fill it with His abundant graces in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Fr. Peter Ochieng, imc
Director-Consolata School